Sunday, September 18, 2011

20 Minute Skirt

A couple of weeks ago, I found this wonderful tutorial for a "Twenty Minute Skirt" from Ruffles & Stuff, and I was instantly itching to try it! Mae-mae had been watching me on the sewing machine for awhile and let me know that she wanted try by dropping subtle hints like "I wish I could try sewing". So I bought some fun fabric from work that was mostly fun because it was 75% off. Grandma had some extra elastic laying around and, BAM! We had a skirt!

She's SUPER DUPER EXCITED too learn how to sew!!

I let her help me whenever scissors weren't involved. She was very good at helping me count out inches!

She was SUPER DUPER EXCITED about helping me pin the hem. It came out pretty uneven, but great for her first ever attempt!

Ta-da! Here is the finished product being modeled by a first-class model, photographed by a second-class photographer using a no-class camera.

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